How to Iron Lace Fabric - ICE FABRICS

Lace has been a beloved fabric for centuries due to its delicate beads and sequin details. From elegant gowns to delicate home décor, lace adds a touch of sophistication and charm. However,

it's crucial to comprehend the nature of this delicate fabric. Lace fabric is typically made from fine threads, often of natural fibers like cotton, linen, or silk. Synthetic materials like polyester or nylon are also used in lace production. However, due to their heat sensitivity, ironing synthetic lace can be tricky and might lead to melting or damage.

However, like any delicate fabric, lace requires special care when it comes to maintenance and handling. Lace enthusiasts often ask whether it is safe to iron lace fabric. In this guide, we will provide you with all the necessary information on how to iron lace fabric, How do you get wrinkles out of lace effectively?


How to Iron Lace Fabric

Ironing lace requires a gentle touch and the right temperature to avoid damaging the delicate fibers. Here's a step-by-step guide to properly ironing lace fabric:

Check the Fabric's Care Instructions

Before you start ironing any lace garment or item, always check the care label or instructions provided by the manufacturer. These labels usually include specific guidelines for ironing, which can vary depending on the type of lace fabric and any additional embellishments or coatings it may have.


Choose the Right Iron Setting for Lace

What iron setting for lace? Iron setting plays a crucial role when ironing lace fabric. Set your iron to the lowest heat setting or the "silk" setting, which generally ranges between 250°F to 300°F (120°C to 150°C). Remember, it's better to start with a lower temperature and gradually increase it if necessary rather than risk scorching the delicate fibers.

Use a Pressing Cloth

 To protect the delicate lace from direct heat, always use a pressing cloth or a piece of lightweight, clean cotton fabric between the iron and the lace. This additional layer acts as a barrier, preventing any direct contact with the iron's metal plate.

Preparing the Lace

Before ironing, make sure the lace fabric is clean and free from any stains or spills. If necessary, gently spot-clean the lace using mild detergent and cold water, and allow it to air dry completely before ironing.

Ironing Process

 Lay the lace fabric on an ironing board or a flat, padded surface, ensuring it lies flat and smooth. Place the pressing cloth over the lace, and with gentle and slow movements, press the iron down on the fabric. Avoid dragging the iron, as this can stretch or damage the delicate fibers.

Read More About: How to Sew Lace Fabric


Handling Intricate Patterns

 For lace items with intricate patterns or designs, such as lace gowns or tablecloths, take extra care while ironing around these areas. You can use a handheld steamer or a spray bottle filled with water to lightly dampen the fabric before ironing. This will help relax the fibers and ease the process without applying direct heat.

Avoiding Pressure

Do not apply too much pressure while ironing lace, as it can cause the fabric to flatten or lose its delicate texture. Instead, let the weight of the iron and the steam do the work.

Steam the Lace 

Can You Steam Iron Lace? Yes, steaming lace fabric can be an excellent alternative to traditional ironing, especially for more delicate and intricate lace designs. A garment steamer can help remove wrinkles and refresh the fabric without any direct contact, reducing the risk of damage. Always keep the steamer at a safe distance from the lace and use gentle, sweeping motions.

Wrinkle Removal

If your lace fabric has wrinkles that seem challenging to remove, you can use a handheld steamer or hang it in the bathroom while taking a hot shower. The steam will help relax the fibers, and you can gently smooth out the wrinkles with your hands.

Work in Sections

If you have a large piece of lace, work in small sections, ironing each part gently before moving on to the next. Take your time to ensure even heat distribution.

Hang or Lay Flat to Cool

Once you've finished ironing the lace, allow it to cool before handling or storing it. Hang it up or lay it flat to maintain its shape.



Lace fabric adds a touch of timeless elegance to any garment or home décor item. There are different types of lace fabrics, like beaded lace, mesh lace, and many more. So you can iron lace fabrics, remember to use the lowest temperature setting to keep your lace fabric wrinkle-free, ensuring it continues to impress with its charm and grace.



Does Lace Fabric Wrinkle?

Yes, lace fabric can develop wrinkles, especially when stored improperly or transported without adequate care. Wrinkles can also occur after washing or due to extended periods of being folded or creased. However, by following the correct ironing techniques mentioned above, you can easily eliminate those wrinkles and restore the lace's pristine appearance.

Can You Iron Nylon Lace?

Nylon lace is generally heat-sensitive, and ironing it directly is not recommended. Instead, use a steamer on the lowest setting to remove wrinkles from nylon lace items.

Can You Iron Polyester Lace?

Polyester lace should be treated like nylon lace, and direct ironing is best avoided. Use a steamer or opt for other wrinkle-removing methods.

Is It Safe to Steam Lace?

Steaming lace can be safe if done carefully. Always use the lowest steam setting and keep the steamer at a safe distance to avoid direct contact with the lace.